A Lamp Unto My Feet

May 26, 2024    Brock Peters

A Lamp Unto My Feet

Speaker: Pastor Brock Peters

Psalm 119:105 (ESV), “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”

LIFEPOINT: God’s Word provides us the light to take our next steps in life.

There are many “next steps” that we take in life. The big ones are easy to see - What college will I attend? What profession will I choose? Who will I marry? - and so on. However, we take next steps on a daily basis. What guides those big and small decisions? God has given us His Word to help light the path for our next steps. We don’t have to take those steps as if we are walking blindly in the dark. God calls His Word a “light unto our path.” His Word can keep us on the right path as we journey through this dark world. It’s my prayer that you and I will begin to rely on Him and His Word to guide us.

In His Service,

Pastor Brock