“Then people brought little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked them. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Matthew 19:13-14
KidCity is our vibrant children's ministry that serves kids 0-6th grade. We strive to serve and value kids in the same way Jesus served and valued them, just as he served and valued all people! We want kids to grow up knowing God, not just knowing the Bible. Worship, prayer, Bible study, and family engagement are all important aspects of our curriculum.

A place where kids are seen and welcomed, taught about Jesus, while safe and secure.
Ages 0-3
We focus on preparing our kids for a life with God.
Like building a fire, we attempt to place kindling around the soul of our toddlers, so that when the Lord sparks faith in them, there is fuel for their spiritual life to burn bright. Kindling like: memorizing the books of the Bible, Bible verse songs, and learning how the entire Bible is one story that all points to Jesus.
We also seek to help the kids experience God's character in the way our teachers and volunteers interact and play with them, pray over the kids, and serve them with humility and love.
Like building a fire, we attempt to place kindling around the soul of our toddlers, so that when the Lord sparks faith in them, there is fuel for their spiritual life to burn bright. Kindling like: memorizing the books of the Bible, Bible verse songs, and learning how the entire Bible is one story that all points to Jesus.
We also seek to help the kids experience God's character in the way our teachers and volunteers interact and play with them, pray over the kids, and serve them with humility and love.
Preschool - 6th Grade
For Preschool-6th grade, we cultivate a love for God, love for others, and a love for drawing near to God through the Bible by...
Our hope and prayer is that your child will enter into a growing relationship with Jesus and know just how loved they are!
- Studying God's word using the Gospel Project Curriculum, a three year chronological study through the whole Bible.
- Having them join the larger body for worship.
- Modeling prayer.
- Using activities and play to affirm truths from each lesson.
Our hope and prayer is that your child will enter into a growing relationship with Jesus and know just how loved they are!
First time at City on a Hill?
Stop by the Welcome Desk on the 2nd floor so we can…
- Walk you through the check-in and check-out process
- Guide you to where you need to go
- You can also pre-register your child here.
Important Information:
- Classrooms are determined by birthday or grade.
- Kids Preschool-5th Grade are checked in at the check-in desk then sit with their families for worship.
- After worship kids are dismissed to their classrooms
- Hold on to the security tag you receive at check-in because they will be needed to pick up your kid(s) after the service
- Have a student in 6th-12th grade? Check out our Youth Group!
- KidCity Policies & Procedures

If you have additional questions, send an email to cityonahill@chccmi.com!

Our Wellness Policy
Parents are asked not to bring a child if he/she:
If there is any question as to the health of your child, we ask that parents err on the side of caution in order to protect the health of other children in our ministries.
Thanks for helping us keep our kids safe and healthy!
- Has run a fever within the last 24 hours
- Has had diarrhea or has vomited in the last 48 hours
- Has a green or yellow discharge coming from their nose or eyes
- Has an ongoing cough or sore throat
- Is known to have any infectious disease such as HFM, croup, etc.
If there is any question as to the health of your child, we ask that parents err on the side of caution in order to protect the health of other children in our ministries.
Thanks for helping us keep our kids safe and healthy!
What we learned in KidCity last Sunday...

Dear families,
Joshua’s account of Achan’s sin and Ai’s defeat serves as a “part two” of the Israelites’ time in Jericho. Immediately following Israel’s victory over Jericho, we read of disobedience and God’s declaration to no longer be with Israel unless they removed what was set apart for Him (Joshua 7:12). God demonstrated His holiness by punishing sin, and through this story, we see the reality of God’s judgment and our need for a Savior.
What does this passage teach us about God? How do we see God’s faithful deliverance in this story despite His people’s sin?
First, we witness God’s justice and holiness in this passage. Before entering Jericho, God gave His people these instructions: “But keep yourselves from the things set apart, or you will be set apart for destruction. If you take any of those things, you will set apart the camp of Israel for destruction and make trouble for it” (Joshua 6:18). God had already spoken about the consequences of disobedience. Because He is holy and likewise calls His people to pursue holiness, the Israelites were to purge the sin from among them.
The Lord had promised victory to His people if they would walk in His ways. The Israelites, however, were unfaithful regarding God’s command to set Jericho’s spoils apart for destruction. Sadly, their disobedience led to punishment.
Lead the boys and girls in your care to see that this story does not end with dismal destruction; rather, we see the Lord faithfully keep His promise to deliver His people from their enemies. God set Achan apart for destruction, just as He said He would. Destruction, however, does not have to be our end. By placing faith in Jesus, the punishment we deserve has been placed on God’s Son instead. Remind your kids of God’s faithfulness in providing a sacrifice on our behalf and an eternal victory secured in His Son—a victory that transforms hearts and frees people from the destruction they deserve.
Check out The Gospel Project At Home for resources designed to help you lead a family worship experience as well as suggestions for morning and evening prayer times and family activities.
This is the big idea of how this week’s Bible story points to Jesus.
This is an important biblical truth that your child will encounter each week of this unit.
This is a Bible verse that relates to what your child will encounter each week of this unit.
** Next week: Taking the Land (Joshua 10-11)
Joshua’s account of Achan’s sin and Ai’s defeat serves as a “part two” of the Israelites’ time in Jericho. Immediately following Israel’s victory over Jericho, we read of disobedience and God’s declaration to no longer be with Israel unless they removed what was set apart for Him (Joshua 7:12). God demonstrated His holiness by punishing sin, and through this story, we see the reality of God’s judgment and our need for a Savior.
What does this passage teach us about God? How do we see God’s faithful deliverance in this story despite His people’s sin?
First, we witness God’s justice and holiness in this passage. Before entering Jericho, God gave His people these instructions: “But keep yourselves from the things set apart, or you will be set apart for destruction. If you take any of those things, you will set apart the camp of Israel for destruction and make trouble for it” (Joshua 6:18). God had already spoken about the consequences of disobedience. Because He is holy and likewise calls His people to pursue holiness, the Israelites were to purge the sin from among them.
The Lord had promised victory to His people if they would walk in His ways. The Israelites, however, were unfaithful regarding God’s command to set Jericho’s spoils apart for destruction. Sadly, their disobedience led to punishment.
Lead the boys and girls in your care to see that this story does not end with dismal destruction; rather, we see the Lord faithfully keep His promise to deliver His people from their enemies. God set Achan apart for destruction, just as He said He would. Destruction, however, does not have to be our end. By placing faith in Jesus, the punishment we deserve has been placed on God’s Son instead. Remind your kids of God’s faithfulness in providing a sacrifice on our behalf and an eternal victory secured in His Son—a victory that transforms hearts and frees people from the destruction they deserve.
Check out The Gospel Project At Home for resources designed to help you lead a family worship experience as well as suggestions for morning and evening prayer times and family activities.
This is the big idea of how this week’s Bible story points to Jesus.
- Preschool: Achan disobeyed God and was punished because of his sin. Because we sin, we deserve to be punished. But Jesus came to take our punishment for us. God forgives us when we confess our sin and trust in Jesus.
- Kids: Achan disobeyed the command of God, and his punishment was death. We also deserve the punishment of death for our sin. Jesus, God’s sinless Son, was punished in our place for our sin. Those who trust in Him are forever forgiven of their sin.
This is an important biblical truth that your child will encounter each week of this unit.
- Preschool: Why can we trust God? We can trust God because He does what He says He will do.
- Kids: Why can we trust God? We can trust God because He is faithful and does everything for His glory and our good.
This is a Bible verse that relates to what your child will encounter each week of this unit.
- Preschool: Who is this King of glory? The LORD, strong and mighty. Psalm 24:8
- Kids: Who is this King of glory? The LORD, strong and mighty, the LORD, mighty in battle. Psalm 24:8
** Next week: Taking the Land (Joshua 10-11)