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Heart of Worship: Pour Out Your Heart
In 2004, a giant tsunami hit the coast of Indonesia, wiping out everything in its path. At the center of the damaged area was a group of resorts that were full of tourists on vacation. Try to imagine what that must have been like. One minute you are sitting by the pool feeling like you are on top of the world, the next minute you are buried under a wall of water that is 167 feet high. I can’t help but think about the picture this provides of how wrong we are when we think we are in control of our lives. It starts with blankets and pacifiers when we are little, and moves to material things and the battle for power when we are older. But in all cases, the illusion of control can be wiped away quickly when something catastrophic happens: the loss of a loved one, a financial setback, a diagnosis of cancer, or an overwhelming feeling of depression you can’t get out from under. Thankfully none of this catches God by surprise. In fact, throughout the Bible we see numerous examples of God’s people trying to deal with this very issue. Most of the Book of Psalms is a record of the great saints of Israel calling out to God, during times of crisis and chaos. Over and over their cries of anguish turn to praise as they realize that God is their only hope.
In this morning’s message, we will look at an uncomfortable, but important truth: Sometimes you have to persevere through the pain in order to reach a place of praise!
In His Service,
Pastor Steve