What Are You Willing To Give Up?

Sep 1, 2024    Brock Peters

Have you counted the cost of following Jesus?  No where in Scripture is there a promise that following Christ will lead to a perfect life.  Quite the opposite is true.  Jesus says that if we are to follow him, we need to “take up our cross” on a daily basis.  Part of taking up our cross is to give up some of the things of this world that we are holding on to.  What is keeping you/me from being 100% sold out for Jesus?  What are we holding on to in this world, that Jesus is asking us to give up?  Part of this faith journey that we are on is answering this very question.  Today, we are looking at the story of the Rich Young Ruler.  He was a great rule follower.  But when Jesus was able to get down to the heart of the matter, the young man was unable to give up his ‘stuff’ to wholeheartedly follow Jesus.  This morning, we will look at why it’s always better to follow Jesus than to hang on to the temporary things of this world.