Care & Counseling

Whether it be prayer, counseling, or practical needs, at some point we all need extra help. Our prayer is that we can come along side families, help in practical ways, and point towards the resources we have in Christ.

Spiritual Care

Whether you are facing personal, marriage, or parenting struggles, it can be helpful to talk to someone. We seek to provide short-term, Biblical counseling for those in need. Our counsel is focused on the resources found in Jesus Christ and providing well-researched referrals for ongoing care as needed. Call the church at (269)749-9334 or send us an email to set up an appointment.

Prayer Needs

We'd love to prayer for you and with you. Share with us your need and we'll pass it on to our prayer warriors. You can also set up a time to come in and pray with our team.

Hospital Visitation

If you are hospitalized and in need of spiritual support and encouragement, we'd be happy to visit or call. Please speak with the hospital first to make sure you can receive visitors. 


When you experience the loss of a loved one, CHCC can offer support, comfort and prayer during these difficult times. The church also may be available for use to host services.  Call the church at (269)749-9334 or send us an email


We highly value marriage at CHCC. For those who are called to marry, it can be a significant blessing in their lives. However, to build a strong marriage, it takes a lot of hard work, support from others and God's direction in your life.

The church is available to host weddings and we have pastors available to officiate weddings. To find out more about our requirments to be married, send us an email.

Spiritual Support for Couples

If you are going through deep waters in your marriage, or are headed that way, we are available for short term counseling as you seek to find a consistent Christian Counselor. Call the church at (269)749-9334 or send us an email

Other Counseling & Care Resources

General Counseling Consultation: Focus on the Family has licensed and pastoral counselors to listen and provide initial guidance and resources including an offer to pray with you. Access their site here.

Suicide Prevention & Care
For Suicide prevention please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255, for free confidential, 24/7 help. Access The Hope Line resource page here.

Christian Counseling Resources
Use the Focus on the Family Christian Counselors Network to find Christian Counselors, Marriage & Family Therapists, Psychologists, Social Workers and Psychiatrists near you! Access the Network page here.