Palm Sunday 2023: The Way of Peace

Apr 2, 2023    Steve Byrens

The celebration of Palm Sunday has always been bittersweet. Even as the people cheered for their new found Messiah, Jesus wept bitterly. He knew the fickle nature of human praise and the suffering that would come as a result of his rejection by the Jewish people. 

Symbolically the palm branches the crowd was waving as they cheered represented victory and peace. But the cheers of the people who attended the Palm Sunday parade were misplaced. They didn’t understand the unique kind of victory and peace which the Messiah alone would bring: Peace with God through the forgiveness of sins, and a victorious restoration to eternal life with Him.

Through our study in Luke 19 this morning, we will discover an important truth: Peace isn’t just the absence of war or unrest. True peace is found in the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ, and only in Him.