Clothe Yourself in Christ

Mar 19, 2023    Steve Byrens

When we set our sights on the realities of heaven, heaven’s priorities will begin to shape our earthly lives. What’s important to God will become important to us.

There’s an old saying that was very popular when I was younger: “The clothes make the man.” Although I don’t agree with everything this statement implies, I think there is some part of it that is actually true. In fact, recent scientific studies have concluded that the clothes we wear do sometimes have a physiological or emotional affect on how we act and feel. 

In Colossians 3, the apostle Paul compares our new life in Christ to taking off old clothes and replacing them with brand new ones. Not only does it feel good to put on new clothes, but there is also an expectation of how those clothes will identify you. In the same way that you would expect certain behaviors from someone wearing a doctor’s coat or a nurse’s uniform, the same should be true for Christians. If we are truly clothed in Christ we should live in a way that reflects that reality. The things He prioritized should be the things we prioritize in our lives.