An Open Door For The Gospel

Mar 26, 2023    Steve Byrens

How’s your personal prayer life? 

Your answer might change from time to time. Some days prayer feels easy and other days it seems so difficult. As Paul concludes his letter to the Colossian church he ties prayer directly to living a Christ-centered life. He wants his readers to keep Christ in the center of all things, which starts with prayer. 

Living a Christ-centered life also means we view all of our relationships in light of Christ and the Gospel. It means we actively start sharing Christ with others. If your life is sports-centered, you probably spend a good amount of your time talking with people about sports. If your life is pet-centered, you probably spend a good amount of your time talking with people about your pets. So if your life is Christ-centered, you will spend a good amount of your time telling others about Jesus, 

So how do we do that? How do we effectively share Christ with others? In Colossians 4, Paul shares 3 essential principles that will help us become effective at sharing the Gospel with those that God has placed in our lives.