Complete in Christ
Colossians 1 and 2 are full of "In Him" statements. In our union with Christ, believers are promised:
Redemption, fullness of life, reconciliation to God, all of the treasures of knowledge, etc. It's amazing to think of all that Jesus accomplished on the Cross, and all that we inherit when we trust in Him for our salvation.
But even more than the benefits of this union with Christ, He offers himself. Our hope & our identity is in Christ, and in Him alone. This is our anchor so that when our circumstances go awry, we can remain steady because we are in Christ. We are complete in Christ. His presence is what we truly need. His nearness is what we need. Scripture tells us that our identity is in Christ and in Him alone. The beauty here is that it really can take a lot of the pressure off. It’s not about what we do, and how well we do it. It’s simply about Christ.