The Good News

Mar 5, 2023    Steve Byrens

What is your relationship with God like? How would you describe it?

Are you good with God? Is God good with you? 

According to our passage this morning, there are 2 major problems when it comes to our relationship with God: First, there is the problem of our sin. We are sinful, and therefore our sins have separated us from God. 

Second, there is the problem of God’s wrath. God is holy and He must punish sin. 

In our natural state, everything's not fine between us and God. We can’t solve these problems on our own.

Through this passage, the apostle Paul lets his readers know an important truth: Even though we can not solve these problems, God can and He did! Through the Incarnation, Jesus humbled himself and became a man. He did this so he could die on the cross for our sins. His death satisfied God’s wrath, restoring the relationship with God for those who place their faith in Christ alone. This is the Good News of the Gospel!