The Passover Lamb

Oct 22, 2023    Steve Byrens

Exodus chapter 12 describes the beginning of one of the most important events in the history of the nation of Israel. This is a major turning point. Before the events in this chapter took place, the Hebrew people were nothing more than a small tribe of desert wanderers who had eventually become slaves to the mighty Egyptian Empire. But as chapter 12 begins, the Hebrew people are about to be delivered. They are about to become a nation and receive their own calendar. The historical markers are signs of their independence. They indicate Israel’s new birth as a nation.

But here is the key point we need to understand. It was their collective faith in God’s promises, and their collective obedience to His commands, that would now result in their deliverance and freedom as one nation. They trusted God that the blood of lamb would cover them and protect them from the power of death. Just as the Passover marked their birth as a nation, the same thing is true of us when we receive Jesus Christ and experience the New Birth through faith in Him. We are also a part of a great nation of believers, known as the Universal Church. Jesus Christ is our Lamb of God. His blood covers our sin and protects us from the power of death. All of this points to an important truth: In order to experience the gift of salvation you must have a personal connection to the Lamb of God. Jesus Christ is not just a generic sacrifice for the world, He is your Passover Lamb!