At the Foot of Mount Sinai

Apr 7, 2024    Steve Byrens

As we begin our study of the second half of the book of Exodus, it's important we remember what we learned in the first half. Moses wrote this book to record YAHWEH’s redeeming work among His people, the Israelites. After bringing them out of bondage in Egypt and delivering them from Pharaoh's army at the Red Sea, The LORD will now begin the process of preparing the Hebrew people for the unique role they will play in bringing salvation to the world. However, before they can meet with Him, special preparations need to be made. YAHWEH is holy and perfect. The people are sinful and fallen. In order to meet with the LORD the people must be consecrated and set apart.

Chapter 19 describes in detail how this consecration is to take place. It is no casual thing for human beings to meet with a Holy God. As we study this passage we will be reminded of an important truth that still has application for us today: We have the ability to approach God in His holiness, because Jesus chose to approach us in our sin!

In His Service,

Pastor Steve