On Eagle's Wings

Sep 24, 2023    Steve Byrens

Today we begin a new series on the book of Exodus. This is the second book in the Bible and it picks up right where the Book of Genesis leaves off. The descendants of Abraham are still living in Egypt. However, four hundred years have now passed since Joseph saved the Egyptians from a major drought. The new pharaoh has forgotten Joseph and is fearful of how big this family has become. Because of God’s favor, they have grown to become a large nation, known as the Hebrew people. So he orders his army to enslave them and force them to do back-breaking work. Their treatment is harsh and the people grow weary.

It is at this point of pain and anguish that the Hebrew people call out to God for help. He hears their cries and begins a plan of deliverance, raising up Moses to come and set His people free, delivering them from the land of Egypt and into the Land of Canaan, which God had promised to Abraham as a home for his descendants.  

Exodus is a powerful account of God’s saving work among His people. It is one of the clearest descriptions in all of the Bible of how God works in human history to redeem a people for Himself from among the nations of the world. Not only does it describe real historical events from the ancient past, but it also provides powerful and prophetic pictures of what Jesus Christ will ultimately do to save and redeem God’s people. As we begin our study with an overview of this amazing book, we’ll discover a life-changing truth: We can approach God in His holiness, because Jesus approaches us in our sin!