Why Should I Listen to Him?

Oct 15, 2023    Steve Byrens

As we pick up in Exodus 5, we’re almost immediately confronted with two questions from Pharaoh. These are the most important questions anyone can ever answer: “Who is the Lord?” and “Why should I Listen to Him?” Pharaoh is not asking this question because he wants an answer. No, he is asking with a heart of rebellion:“Who is this Lord of yours that He can tell me what to do?” Pharaoh’s heart was hard toward the things of God. So much so, that later in this narrative, when God begins to pour out the plagues as judgment on Egypt and their false gods, God will harden pharaoh’s heart even further in order for Egypt to experience the full fury of God’s wrath against the injustices they have committed. 

Pharaoh doesn’t think there is a reason he should listen to this God. Sadly, there are many people still today who question whether they have any reason to listen to this God. If we’re not careful we can sometimes fall into this trap. Especially when we go through difficult seasons in life. 

Today’s passage in Exodus is going to directly answer this question: Who is the Lord that I should obey Him? And by answering this question, The LORD will further reveal his plan of redemption. In many ways, Exodus is like a picture book of God’s redemption. It clearly lays out the way He will save and redeem His people from among the nations of the world: When we trust His plan, He gives us freedom from our bondage and the hope we need to live for Him, even in the difficult seasons of life.