"Who, Me?"

Oct 8, 2023    Steve Byrens

At the end of last week’s message, we left off with Moses (a Hebrew baby) being adopted by Pharaoh's daughter. What makes this noteworthy is that it takes place, even while Pharaoh is attempting to kill all the Hebrew baby boys. This event was clearly miraculous and marks the beginning of the next step in God’s plan of redemption: A plan that started with God’s promises to Abraham back in Genesis, will continue through God’s intervention into the lives of the Hebrew people,. And it will ultimately lead to the birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

As we pick up in chapter 3, a total of eighty years have passed and a lot has happened in Moses’ life: He has grown up, fled Egypt in fear for his life, moved to the land of Midian, married a shepherd girl, and taken on the job of overseeing his father in law’s sheep. This is a job that now has him caring for the flock on the back side of the desert. As far as Moses is concerned, he is safely out of the reach of Pharaoh. However, as he will soon discover, he is not safely out of the reach of God.

Through today’s passage we will see how God works in Moses’ life, first giving him work to do, and then preparing and equipping him to do that work. This passage points us to an important spiritual truth: When God calls you to serve in His Kingdom, He will also prepare you to fulfill the call He has given you.