Life in the Fast Lane

Jun 4, 2023    Steve Byrens

As we pick up our study in chapter 2 of Ecclesiastes, King Solomon continues his search for meaning in life apart from God. Intellectual pursuits failed, so he turns to pleasure. The definition of pleasure is to experience the enjoyable sensations that come from the gratification of personal desires. So, King Solomon decides he will try to maximize his pleasure and live it up in the fast lane!

In many ways, his search is a summary of all the various methods that mankind has tried down through the ages to find enjoyment in life. Philosophers describe this quest by using the word hedonism: the belief that pleasure in and of itself, is the highest good.  

We’re all tempted in this direction at times in our lives. We start to believe that if we can just have fun in life, we’ll find happiness. But once again, we’ll see that his search ends in failure. King Solomon is left with no other choice than to admit that pleasures under the sun are meaningless: Expecting them to satisfy the longings of the human heart is like chasing the wind.