Life in an Unjust World

Jul 2, 2023    Steve Byrens

From my own personal experience of attending church regularly for the past 25 years, I am guessing that at least one person is sitting here this morning who got in a fight with a family member before you came to church. Others got here later than you wanted and you're feeling a little stressed out. Still others of you may be thinking about what you still have to do to get lunch ready for your family or the work you need to get done around the house before you go back to work on Monday. However, what most of us probably have not thought enough about this morning, is the question: Have I prepared my heart to worship God? That’s very sad, because God takes our acts of worship very seriously. So seriously in fact, that the Bible is full of warnings against half-hearted worship. 

Today, as we pick up our passage in Ecclesiastes 5, King Solomon shifts his focus to this very topic. In verses 1-7 he strongly cautions his readers about the dangers that are inherent in worshiping a Holy God. He wants us to understand an important truth: Because it’s dangerous to worship God half-heartedly, it’s important that we listen well, do what we say, and learn what it means to Fear God!