Looking for Worth in Wisdom and Work

Jun 11, 2023    Steve Byrens

In Ecclesiastes chapter 1, Solomon began his journey of discovery by looking for meaning in purpose in life through the power of human intellect. Even though he gained incredible knowledge about life, and the way the world works, it did not satisfy the deepest longings of his heart. It was much the same thing in chapter 2, as Solomon turned to the pursuit of pleasure. Even though he had many enjoyable and pleasurable experiences, they couldn’t be collected and accumulated to provide any form of lasting satisfaction or meaning in Solomon’s life.

Now, as we study the second half of chapter 2, Solomon tries to answer two new questions:

1) Is living a life of wisdom better than living a life of folly?

2) Can a person find meaning in life through their work? 

First, he compares a person who applies the collective wisdom of mankind to his life, versus a person who lives with no care for tomorrow. Then he tries to discover if the work we do while we’re here on earth can provide any sort of lasting meaning? As we study this powerful section of Scripture, we’ll discover an amazing truth: Our relationship with Christ gives us eternal life: where everything we’ve done for Him will be rewarded. This means our work for Him is not meaningless, it’s eternal!