Faithful and True: Remembering God's Faithfulness

Jan 12, 2025    Steve Byrens

One of the lingering effects of living in a fallen world is the weakness of our flesh. Even though we have experienced God's life-changing power many times in our lives, when we find ourselves facing  new challenges we often fail to remember God’s faithfulness in the past. With each new struggle our perspective starts to blur and we forget that we’ve already gone through circumstances that were similar or even worse. When the problems that are lying ahead of us start to look like mountains that are too big for us to handle, we momentarily fail to remember all the other mountains we’ve already crossed with God’s help.

That’s why, from time to time, we need to put everything on pause and remember how faithful God has been to us throughout our lives. This is an important discipline that always bears great fruit in our spiritual lives. When we slow down long enough to remember and thank God for His blessings in the past, it helps fill our hearts with the faith we need to overcome life’s trials and to live victorious lives for Christ!  

In His Service,

Pastor Steve