Faithful and True: A Partner in God's Faithfulness

Jan 19, 2025    Steve Byrens

In last week’s message we focused on the importance of setting time aside regularly to remember God’s faithfulness in the past. This is a discipline that can really strengthen your faith and empower your walk with the Lord. As we remember His faithfulness in our lives, it begins to fill us with faith so we can live faithfully for Him. Today I want to shift our focus to the present. How do I learn to embrace the truth that God is faithful to me right now in this present moment? How can I partner with God so that His faithfulness becomes the source of my faithfulness to Him and the people He has placed in my life? 

The answer is really very simple. But that doesn’t mean it’s always easy. It requires us to slow down long enough to develop the practice of resting in God’s faithfulness. But this is difficult because we live in a high-paced information based culture. All day every day we are being inundated with new information. Our senses are being overloaded with data. We have thousands of new images flowing through our minds that come to us from our constant exposure to screens. And a large part of what we are taking in is negative, divisive, and anxiety producing. 

This vicious cycle is why we have to learn to break free from all the cultural traps that are designed to keep us constantly plugged into technology. Through today’s message we will discover an important truth: The path to freedom starts by regularly making time to sit in God’s presence and experience His faithfulness in the present moment. It starts with developing the discipline of resting in God’s faithfulness!

In His Service,

Pastor Steve