James: The Power of Words

Aug 4, 2024    Steve Byrens

When I was a little kid there was a saying that was very common: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” I’m not sure who came up with that saying, but I do know that it’s simply not true. If you break a bone, you only stay in the hospital for a short amount of time, but the couches in counselor’s offices are overflowing with people who are desperately seeking healing from hurtful words spoken to them in the past. Some of you sitting here this morning are wrestling with things you hate about yourself, things that are the direct result of what someone else said about you, years ago. And you still can’t shake it.

Words have the power to damage the soul. Remember the other childhood saying: “I’m rubber and you’re glue. Whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you.” This one is also not true. Words don’t bounce off of us. They often bury themselves deep in our hearts. Words go down deep into our hearts, and they shape how we live our lives!

God is a God who speaks. As His image bearers, He wants His people to understand the right way to use our tongues when we speak. That’s why we should see today’s passage in James as a gift from God. These truths can help us slow down and think about the way we speak, by reminding us that our words matter deeply to God!

In His Service

Pastor Steve