James: Faith and Good Works

Jul 28, 2024    Steve Byrens

From the Heart! - I recently read about a pastor who was asked to be part of a suicide prevention team that was designed to assist Army reservists who were returning from Iraq. There had been a large spike in the number of soldiers taking their own lives, so the local authorities were looking for ways to help. The pastor agreed to join a team of four types of specialists dealing with physical, mental, spiritual, and social skills. One of the first team members the pastor met was an army medical doctor from Washington DC. Everyone found the doctor to be a very engaging and enjoyable person, and a true expert on resiliency and suicide prevention. But sadly, shortly after the prevention program was launched, this doctor tragically took his own life. It came as a complete shock to those who knew him. It was a devastating example of the difference between having information, and applying it to your life. 

Today as we study our passage in James chapter 2, we find a warning about this very issue concerning our faith in Jesus Christ. James wants us to make sure our faith is saving faith. This is important for us to consider, because true biblical faith is more than just knowing something is true. It also includes a radical change of heart that leads to good works in obedience to God’s commands. James wants his readers to understand a powerful truth: To know information about Jesus, but not be changed by Jesus, is not saving faith!

In His service,

Pastor Steve