James: Standing Out From the World

Aug 11, 2024    Brock Peters

What does it mean to live an authentic Christian life? In a world that is moving further and further away from God, we are called to be set apart. This is easier said than done. Most of us, by nature, want to blend in. However, we are called to live in a way that is different from the world around us. Relying on the help of the Holy Spirit, God calls us to humbly submit to Him. He calls us to stop chasing all of the things that the world says will bring fulfillment and turn to Him alone. Paul tells us to fix our eyes not on what can be seen, but on things that can't be seen. Things that we can see are temporary, but the things that we can't see are eternal. As we meditate on James 4:1-12, it is my prayer that we will learn to separate from the world as we look to the one true God for our fulfillment.