Perservering Through Physical Pain

Feb 12, 2023    Steve Byrens

This morning we’re going to wrestle with a very difficult question: How do I deal with chronic pain as a believer? This can be a very frustrating topic, and I don’t claim to have any easy answers. But one thing I’ve learned from my own journey with chronic pain is that God is faithful to meet us in our suffering, if we’ll just look for Him there. Like many others, I'm drawn to the story of Job. I find encouragement in his words in Job 6:10 (NLT), “At least I can take comfort in this: Despite the pain, I have not denied the words of the Holy One.” Job chose to praise God in its midst of that suffering. My prayer is that I can and will be able to do the same.

In a very real way, life in this world often feels like a battle we have to fight. Even as a follower of Jesus Christ, persevering through pain and suffering is extremely difficult. This is true whether the pain is physical, emotional, or spiritual. 

Physical Pain can be a gift from God. It alerts us to a problem with our body that needs to be addressed. But one of the consequences of the fall is that our bodies run down. Sometimes there is nothing we can do to soothe or alleviate the pain. In today’s message we will discover an important truth: Pain does not mean God has left you. In fact, it can mean exactly the opposite. God sometimes allows the effects of the fall to shape your character, so you will more fully reflect His Son.