Overcoming Hurt

Jan 22, 2023    Steve Byrens

The longer I live, the more convinced I am that everybody is hurting in some way. Everybody lives with some form of emotional pain. It comes in so many different forms: betrayal, deceptions, abandonment, painful childhood memories, etc.. These deep wounds can serve like roadblocks to your life and relationships years later. Maybe it was abuse that came to you verbally, physically, or in unspeakable sexual ways. Maybe it came in the form of parents who were so broken in their own relationships that they left you with no idea what a healthy relationship even looks like. For many today, it's a relational wound that’s gotten more complex since covid and the lockdowns. Mental health issues, divorce rates, suicide attempts are all up drastically the past couple years, probably because people feel more isolated and alone than at any other time in recent memory. 

My guess is there are some of you here today who are dealing with feelings of deep personal hurt and pain. When you are going through a time of intense pain (emotionally, relationally, spiritually), you need a God big enough to heal your hurt.

King David was a man who suffered deep personal hurt. In the midst of his pain he discovered a supernatural source of strength and hope. Listen to his words in Psalm 34:17-18 (NLT), “The Lord hears his people when they call to him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those whose spirits are crushed.”

Over and over throughout the Scriptures, God promises to comfort His people in difficult times. Especially when we’re brokenhearted and feeling crushed by the weight of our pain! Passages like Psalm 34 remind us of an important Biblical truth: Our God is big enough, in fact more than big enough, to heal our hurts - But, we have to let Him!