Eternal Treasures

Sep 10, 2023    Steve Byrens

The Covid lockdowns of 2020 had a profound effect on how we view our lives. As we sat in our homes and watched the news we became aware that many people lost their savings, their homes, their jobs, and some, even their lives. When something like a pandemic so drastically changes our daily circumstances, it forces us to slow down and carefully evaluate our priorities.

What are the most important things in my life? Where should I look for hope? How do I find peace when everything around me feels so uncertain? 

One of the most shocking things about the lockdowns was what they helped us recognize: What we believed was permanent, was actually temporary. Jesus understood this truth and gave us great advice in Matthew 6:19-20: “Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal.” 

This passage makes it clear that the treasures and values of the kingdoms of this world are temporary at best, and ultimately failing in the end. But the Kingdom of God is unshakeable and eternal. As a result of this reality, we discover an important truth: Jesus calls us to handle our financial resources with heaven in mind, prioritizing what will last for eternity.