Everlasting Father

Dec 17, 2023

As we enter our third week of Advent, we continue our study of the names of the Messiah found in Isaiah 9. Today, we will be focusing on the name Eternal Father. Right away I have to admit that I have struggled with the idea of using this name for Jesus. Now, I have no problem believing that He is Eternal. My problem comes with calling Him Father. If I refer to Jesus our Eternal Father, it causes a huge dilemma in my mind because we already have God the Father. 

It seems like there should only be one Father in the Trinity, right? The Holy Spirit is not the Father, and Jesus is not the Father. Only the Father is the Father. So, this name really troubles my mind. Commenting on this verse, Charles Spurgeon had this to say, “So deep is the mystery of the person of our Lord that he must reveal himself to us or we shall never know him…“‘Blessed art thou, Simon Barjonas,’”said Christ to Peter, “‘for flesh and blood hath not revealed this unto thee, (but My Father who is in heaven.)’” There will always be new things we can learn about our Lord. And as far as I can tell, this will go on for all eternity.

So why does Isaiah call the promised Messiah, Eternal Father? Through today’s message we will attempt to answer this question. And while we do, our study will lead us to a powerful truth: As our Everlasting Father, Jesus has promised to commit Himself to us. We can trust His commitment will never falter, because it is eternal and unchanging!