Heart of Worship - Lift Your Hands
We are excited to spend the next month focusing on worship. To do that, we will look at Matthew’s account of Jesus’ birth where we find a wonderful example of worship for us to study. It involves the “wise men” from the East who traveled a great distance to visit Jesus and His family after His birth. When these men entered Jerusalem, they began asking people where they could find “the King of the Jews.” Later in the text, we learn that they had most likely traveled for two years at this point. What could cause them to give up everything in their lives and spend two years traveling to a distant land searching for a baby? Fortunately, we do not have to wonder. After asking their question, they give us the answer: “We have come to worship him.” The reason they were there was to worship Jesus Christ, and nothing, not even a two-year journey on camels across a desert was going to stop them. They were all committed to living a life of worship!
In this series, we are going to look at what the Scriptures teach us about the importance of worship in the life of a believer. It is my prayer that by the time we are done, we will follow the lead of these “wise men” and desire to live lives of Worship for God!