Travis Gessner


Originally from the Grand Rapids area, I was a city boy who had never seen a cow in real life, but have been forever swayed to the country. Growing up in the city I was used to the chaos and fast paced life all around me. Since moving to Olivet, I have grown to love the small town community living and wouldn’t want it any other way.  I am the oldest of three boys and spent a lot of my time in high school and college in a gym playing basketball. I graduated from Forest Hills Northern and went on to play basketball at Olivet College where I met my wife, Stephanie. After college, and still today, I teach physical education and health at Springport Public Schools. 

Growing up, my family didn’t go to church often, and when we did it was to one of the local catholic churches. It wasn’t until college that I began to seek the truth about my faith. At the time, I leaned heavily on my catholic background and took steps to be confirmed, but didn’t learn about having a deep relationship with Jesus until a little later. When my wife and I began attending a non-denominational bible church, my eyes were opened to the gospels and the life of Jesus. We began attending Grace Walk Community Church, which soon became City On a Hill Community Church. I slowly began to serve behind the scenes in many different ways. Years later I decided to be baptized as CHCC practices baptism as a witness to my kids and my family. I now serve as a Deacon and on the Safety team, and keep my eyes open for other ways I can serve the church body and the surrounding communities.  

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