The Re-Creation of Heaven on Earth
Exodus Part 2 - Lesson 5 "The Re-Creation of Heaven on Earth"
Speaker: Pastor Steve Byrens
Exodus 25:1, 9 (NLT), “The Lord said to Moses, 2 “Tell the people of Israel to bring me their sacred offerings. Accept the contributions from all whose hearts are moved to offer them… 9 You must build this Tabernacle and its furnishings exactly according to the pattern I will show you.”
LIFEPOINT: The goal of worship is to expand the dwelling place of God until it fills the entire earth!
Chapters 25-31 of the Book of Exodus are often skipped over because they can be difficult to read. They record the LORD’s detailed description of both the structure of the Tabernacle, as well as how the Hebrew people should worship Yahweh. Every imaginable detail is included concerning: the material, shape, and size of the tabernacle. It also provides elaborate details about the objects to be used in worship and the clothing of the high priests. It is human nature to look at those details and feel overwhelmed with all that God requires.
However, the details are given for a very important reason. God has called the Hebrew people out of slavery in Egypt, so that they can be His representatives here on earth. To fulfill that role, they need to be made holy and set apart through their worship. They must begin to understand that God is not like the idols that are worshiped by the nations around them. The tabernacle not only teaches us what is acceptable in worship, and how sinners can come into the presence of a Holy God, it also teaches us about God’s plan to fill the entire earth with His glory.
The goal of worship is to expand the dwelling place of God until it fills the entire earth! Through the outpouring of His glory, Yahweh is able to save and re-create people from every tribe, tongue, and nation, by bringing them into His eternal family. If we look closely, we discover that the worship described in the Tabernacle is a beautiful picture of the worship that will one day take place in the New Heavens and the New Earth!
In His Service,
Pastor Steve