New Jerusalem: The Final Garden

Jul 7, 2024    Steve Byrens

The Garden - Lesson 4

New Jerusalem: The Final Garden

Revelation 21:1-2 (NLT), “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the old heaven and the old earth had disappeared. And the sea was also gone. 2 And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven like a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.

LIFEPOINT:. The Holy Spirit provides believers with continuous blessings from heaven. We may no longer dwell in the garden, but through the Spirit’s presence the garden now dwells in us!

From the Heart! - There is a strange phenomenon that takes place when a young person grows up and leaves their parents' home. Over time, the house they once called home starts to feel unfamiliar. It becomes an extra storage place to keep their stuff while they try to create a new life and build a new home. What was once so familiar, no longer feels like home.

I think this points to something deeper in our human nature. It’s hard to actually feel at home in this fallen world. It feels like something important is missing. We can’t necessarily put our fingers on it, but we sense there has to be more. According to the Bible, human beings began life in a beautiful garden where they had direct physical access to God and their every need was met perfectly. But sometimes, the world around us seems more filled with thorns and weeds than it does beautiful flowers and plants. At many points in our lives, we experience disappointment and pain. 

Thankfully, the Scriptures promise us that what began in a garden, will end in a garden: A Garden that’s been perfectly restored. Revelation 21 calls this renewed garden, the New Jerusalem. Today’s study will lead us to a powerful truth: The Holy Spirit provides believers with continuous blessings from heaven. We may no longer dwell in the garden, but through the Spirit’s presence the garden now dwells in us!

In His Service,

Pastor Steve