God With His People

May 19, 2024    Steve Byrens

Exodus Part 2 - Lesson 7 "God With His People"

Speaker: Pastor Steve Byrens

Exodus 40:38 (NLT), “The cloud of the Lord hovered over the Tabernacle during the day, and at night fire glowed inside the cloud so the whole family of Israel could see it. This continued throughout all their journeys.”

LIFEPOINT: The only way any of us can ever be a place where God’s Spirit can live and work, is if we are cleaned up and made holy by God Himself. That’s what Jesus does for us!

In chapters 35-40, the Book of Exodus closes with the powerful culmination of everything God has been doing throughout this book. Guided by the detailed instructions God gave Moses, the people have begun the construction of the tabernacle. Along with its construction, the priestly garments and all the implements of worship are now being created as well. Everything God commanded Moses to build is now being completed by the people in the camp. The Israelites are finally obeying God’s voice.

So, what exactly has changed from just a couple of chapters back when the people engaged in idolatry and worship of the golden calf? The difference is that God’s Spirit is now at work in the midst of the people. It’s God’s Spirit that equips everyone, from the craftsmen to those giving generously, to accomplish what God has commanded. The people are now obeying God’s voice through the work of God’s Spirit.

Even though this narrative describes events that happened in the distant past, the truth it reveals has direct application to our lives today: The only way any of us can ever be a place where God’s Spirit can live and work, is if we are cleaned up and made holy by God Himself. That’s what Jesus does for us!

In His Service,

Pastor Steve