It's about partnership.

We are the Body and Jesus is the head. The head accomplishes its purpose via the members of its body. In the same way, Jesus uses His church to accomplish His purpose here in our community. The church is the primary means by which He works here on earth and as believers in Christ, we are called to be an active part of His body.

When you become a member of this local body it means locking arms together, committing to Christ and each other. It’s a process of intentionally growing in Christ and in your ability to love others. We call our members Covenant Partners.

We encourage you to check out the video below to learn more on what we believe about church membership:

Membership Process

Next Step Class

Next Step is where you  learn about the mission and vision here at CHCC.  We'll outline the different ministries, resources, and how you can plug in.


As fully devoted followers of Christ, we move from a guest mentality to a host mentality by sharing and living out God's Word as we faithfully serve and seek the good of others. 

Membership Class

Our membership class dives deeper into the core doctrine of our church and explains what it means to be a Covenant Partner here at CHCC. Once you register, our team will send you our upcoming class dates.

Connect in Community

Community is a gift from God and an essential part of our walk. In biblical community we find encouragement and accountability.  Join a life group or start the mentoring program.